Health sector

Our standouts

Our experience and expertise have made us the “most reliable supplier of Liquid Medical Oxygen and related gases in the medical field, and has all the capability to meet any increase in Hospital demand in an emergency.” We support our claim thru:

Production plant (Air Separation Unit) reliability:

Our plants ensure operations on a 24/7/365 basis.
We are the only company with the same capacity backup plant (Air Separation Unit) facility.
We have highly professional, experienced, and qualified Mechanical & Chemical engineers to ensure uninterrupted production equipped with the latest and modern tools and calibration instruments
We have dedicated mechanical and electrical workshops headed by a qualified and experienced team for handling the issues.
The electrical and maintenance teams are available around the clock to ensure smooth plant and equipment operations.

Our Products


We have the highest storage capacity of around 1.15 Million Cubic meters for Liquid Medical Oxygen in Pakistan.


An entire distribution department is working on a 24/7/365 basis for the supply of Liquid Medical Oxygen and other related products to Hospitals.
A distribution team ensures their availability all the time to cater to the need of the hospitals and medical centers. The support and customer engineering staff liaise closely with them to avoid unforeseen circumstances.
We have one of the country’s largest fleets for moving cryogenic products throughout the country to meet critical demand

Dedicated hardware installation on the Customer's premises.:

We have more than 185 VIEs (vacuum-insulated tanks) and evaporators nationally.
Our VIE ensures at least three (03) days of hospital medical oxygen consumption storage capacity.
We install an aluminum vaporizer with a 50% higher capacity to ensure liquid-to-gas conversion to eliminate interruption in increased demand
We install a Medical Grade Duplex system pressure regulator to control gas pressure and flow to the pipeline. The system can regulate low pressure and high flow of 4000 liter/min medical oxygen to avoid any pressure drops in the farthest area of the Hospital.
We equip our VIE and Vaporizer with independent and audible vessel content levels and pressure alarms to monitor low levels and low/high pressure at all times.
We install a Digital Content meter at each tank to correlate it with an analog content gauge of the VIE.
Our professional and well-experienced team follows HTM during the installation of equipment at the Customer’s premises
We perform regular inspections of equipment, instruments, and pipelines

Customers Engineering Service:

We possess a qualified and experienced team, including mechanical engineers, fitters, welders, and mechanics. The team has only one objective: to eliminate all the possible hurdles which can trigger the interruption. The group performs regular visits to:

Inspect and remove the fault on the spot.
Replace the equipment as and when required.
Ensure upkeep of the equipment.
Keeps a close liaison with the Hospital and user to ensure the safe operation of the installed equipment.
Aware the Hospital and user staff about the product usage and safe handling.
Attend to any complaints at the Hospital and user’s site.


An entire distribution department is working on a 24/7/365 basis for the supply of Liquid Medical Oxygen to Hospitals. A distribution manager with a rich experience in the distribution field heads the department. The support and customer engineering staff are available any _me of the day or night to provide services to the hospitals. Very close liaison with the Hospital and user is maintained to avoid any unforeseen at the Hospital’s end.

GCIL has one of the country’s largest fleets for moving cryogenic products throughout the country to meet the needs of critcal business especially hospitals.

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